Mum says there's always a first time for everything. When it comes to food she will say "try if don like don eat." Haha, the rebellious little me at that time obviously turned a deaf ear. Nowadays, I realised that she dosen't walk the talk herself when I ask her to try some food. haha
So...... My First Michelin Star. (I checked the dictionary to make sure I got it rite). My first ONE star restaurant dining experience. Guess what at a DIM SUM RESTAURANT !!!! -__-" Seriously?
I totally didn't expect it but WY insisted that we check it out. Can't be help, I was too hungry to convince him to head to a cheaper china town alternative where I could probably eat twice as much for half the price.
Then again.... a michelin star restaurant.... A Michelin star DIM summm Restaurant.. hmmm... I wonder ... I wonder

I couldnt figure out what to order . Siu Mai Har gao? my mind just couldnt come to terms with ordering something so casual. i wanted to be blown away by some creative dim sum. It was a Michelin star restaurant afterall.
Let's just say we started with the congee. Quite arty fartsy eh? Simple pork congee but met all expectations.

I just had to satisfy my curiosity of a michelin star siu mai. Can you see the scallop? and instead of crab roe they have used Tobiko
Nice ! and just enough for me to be impressed.
What was more impressive was how the European waiter was able to repeat all our orders in almost perfect cantonese

Again to satisfy my curiosity. This was somewhat underwhelming. It was nothing out of the ordinary. Ok... I have to give them credit for using a piece of banana leaf instead of cheapo wax paper for plating.

Wy highly recommended the venison char siew su. Ah ha . A touch of "atahness" using venison instead of charsiew. The verdict: tasted almost like a charsiew su with the marinate dominating most of the flavours. The gaminess of the venison was just enough to permeate through the sweet flavours. Maybe thats the whole idea.

I can't remember what these were called but its char siew on the inside wrapped around by a crust that tasted like the top crust of bo lo bao. It was super yummy. The crust might even contain some baby powder. Very clever dish and one of my favourites that afternoon.

Roasted duck Pumpkin puff. This for me represents what Michelin dim sum is about. Creative use of ingredients you least expect in the creation of a delectable dim sum that is pleasant to the eye and on the palate. *
I may go back again but with so many other Michelin star restaurants and better cheaper chinese restaurants, this restaurant wont be on my return list anytime soon
Nevertheless, a "palette" opener that one needs to TRY at least once hahah
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