Mum prepared lots of food for dinner. haha she cooked 3, bought 1 and got 1 from a friend. Knowing that I might take some pictures, she automatically arranged the vegetable dish in a rather neat manner. She likes this picture alot because of the vibrant colours. I told her this one can sell for $12 haha.

This was bought from outside. Few pieces of pork and a huge slab of pig skin... The eggs were added on our own. Ok la not very pang (fragrant/appetising) but still passable

Remember the omega fish from the other day? According to Dad its actually called MIlk fish and is very popular in Phillipines and Indonesia. I think we had an overdose so we din't manage to finsih one side of it. --> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Milkfish

Sesame oil chicken provided by our neighbour. Very nice of them to share with us this dish. CHicken was burnt but that imparred a nice flavour to the meat.

Lotus pork rib soup. Very cheng. THink mum reduced the msg for this dish. Well, still works for me.
Yah ... been getting fat from eating so much . Need to hit the gym once I get back.
Yah ... been getting fat from eating so much . Need to hit the gym once I get back.
Braised Pork, originally uploaded by jiapui.
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