LZ passed me some pork dumplings also known affectionately (aKaa*) as bah chang. Her mum made these and I being a good friend of hers (I choose to think so lOL) got some as a treat.. Well.. the truth is I traded it with some cheesecake haha just kidding. Thanks Lz Mama.
Lz came to Glasgow from Shanghai at the age of 3. Her dad's a lecturer at Edin uni and her mum's like a chee cheong fun specialist at one of the chinese restaurants. The chang is not your typical pyrimidal shape looking ones you get in Singapore. Rather, its like a packet drink packet twisted 90 degrees at the centre. haha.
Lz came to Glasgow from Shanghai at the age of 3. Her dad's a lecturer at Edin uni and her mum's like a chee cheong fun specialist at one of the chinese restaurants. The chang is not your typical pyrimidal shape looking ones you get in Singapore. Rather, its like a packet drink packet twisted 90 degrees at the centre. haha.

This is what it looks like after removing the leaves. Nice soft glutinous rice and chunks of spiced meat. It tasted different from the ones back home but its mild resemblance was enough to strike memories of the wonderful changs that Ah ma used to make. I was so excited about it that I called home to tell my mum about it and how I "celebrated" the dumpling festival with some home made chang, only to find out that the dumpling festival was like some time back in May lol..
Thanks Lz. Looking forward to more shanghainese goodies in the future.
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