Happy 21st girl. I know I have never made a cake for you before despite me making it for so many of my friends. So.. Here's my creation for you, a chocolate and white chocolate cheesecake with a white stripe chocolate ganache. Too bad I cant fedex it to you but I ate it on your behalf with my friends and yes it tasted really amazing.
This is the slice that I cut for you hahaha. You are probably salivating now but u will probably salivate more when I show you your present.
Anyway, I hope you've had a wonderful 21st birthday. Just want to encourage you to continue to grow and mature in this really challenging environment of adult hood. Can't say I have fully comprehended the whole concept but I can tell you the early years of it have been an eye opener and brings rewarding experiences. Continue to pursue what you want in life with passion and believe that if u put your heart and mind into it (and not facebook) you can achieve it someday.
Your Kor whom u can always count on .
Happy Birthday Girl, originally uploaded by jiapui.
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